BRL Lang, Mietraching (02/09/2012)
Категория: Wettkampf
Страна: Germany
Дисциплина: Long
Длина пути: 7.34 km
Время: 113:12
Orienteering Competion 1:52:59 [4] 7.65 km (14:46 / km) +352m 12:01 / km
spiked:11/14c shoes: VJ Supra 2012-2
National ranking event, 5,9km + 285m climb (was listed as 190m, but I counted the minimum climb and that's what I got).
Same forest than yesterday, also steep up- and downhill, but more enjoyable. Steep downhill part was in a nicer part of the forest, so that was OK. Only thing I really hated was 100m climb in one go to control 7. Had a big problem with motivating myself in the beginning after yesterday and after picking up the map and realizing that it will be equally steep and will go again near the valley of nastisess - turned out in the end that the course was nicer than expected, but still far from stellar course setting.
1) Easy, clean, but slow and demotivated from the course ahead.
2) Was perfectly on track, but started looking for the control too early and too high up the nose because I understood nothing really. 3 min
5) Didn't read the contours properly and choose a route that went down and up again, should have gone around a bit. 1 min?
10) A bit too far right first. 1 min.
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BRL Lang, Mietraching (02/09/2012) BRL Lang, Mietraching (02/09/2012)